Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Mastrabating In A Car

Fröhliche Weihnachten

We are very happy because all the students have made us the best wishes, writing in a very good Italian ...
congratulations! You are really good!

A taste?!? Here it is!

Good evening, "Girl of the Lighthouse"
Although they are a bit 'late, forgive me!

Best wishes for every small success that will make you happy for every smile that will make you feel good, to embrace all that warm your heart ... GREETINGS!
Many greetings from Germany.

:-) See you at Easter
Hermann R.

This time we did not put a picture, but a nineteenth-century painting "friendship" by Friedrich Overbeck (the two women are painted in Italy and Germany)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Ap Wards Lab 5 Cellular Respiration Answers

19 e 23 dicembre

non mancare!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

What Is The Most Economicalsuv To Lease

Creative Station

Thursday, October 15, 2009

How To Hang Punching Bag On A Rail


A bus will also reach Roma from the province.
Departure at 07:00 from Piazza Farini (Carrara)
Departure at 07:15 from Piazza Matteotti ( Massa )
Cost: 1 € or 5 € Information and reservations: 347 2960223 Matthew

Saturday, October 10, 2009

National Team Wrestling Singlets


the Participatory Budget 2009 and 'entered its final phase. 17 to October 20 citizens of Massa who have reached 16 years will go to the House of Culture (formerly CAT), in the community or in special tents that will be located in the city to cast their vote respect to 13 projects that have been selected by numerous local associations and individuals who sought to direct the administration of the city.
A 'fundamental experience for political life, which demonstrates how all'antipolitica rampant in our society can be answered only with the active participation of citizens.
The City Council has embraced this new opportunity for change from the beginning, participating in three thematic groups: other economy / lifestyle / intercultural , youth policy and sports / associations. Of course you can not think that participatory budgeting this year represents a end point, given the novelty of the initiative and the immaturity that comes in asking, from ordinary citizens, such as direct administration of their city. But it must certainly recognize how this experience again give a political perspective to a range of political, cultural and social living a very difficult phase in the crisis of the left.
* More information on how to vote is available on the website of the Municipality of Massa section Participatory Budget
** In the comments you will find summaries of the projects that the community center supports

Monday, September 28, 2009

Affordable Durable Camera Bags


The Commune invita tutti/e a partecipare al presidio di sab 3 ott. alle ore 17:00 sotto il comune di Massa.
A vostra sorpresa la serata e' stata pubblicizzata anche in Turchia!!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Digital Binocular Driver

non dimentiCARLO

Marina di Massa (Pontile)

ORE 18: Presentazione del libro NOI DELLA DIAZ

(sarà presente l'autore Lorenzo Guadagnucci)

ORE 21 : Proiezione su maxi-schermo di immagini e video di Genova 2001


Testo convocazione iniziativa
“Per non dimentiCarlo-la memoria è un ingranaggio collettivo”.
MARINA MASS July 19, 2009

After eight years by the extraordinary mobilization promoted by the Genoa Social Forum we should not forget that this season has been one of the moments of greatest vitality of social movements that fight against the devastating neo-liberal policies to date Unfortunately, even hegemonic in the world.
We want to remember from the contents, the battles on the water as a common good, to the claims of the new atypical social figures, the struggles of migrants, global mobilization against the permanent war.
Drawing from Genoa as a huge toolbox, which is part of our wealth of experience and we will not forget. We want to remind
We can not, therefore, must return with the mind by way of Ptolemais, in all those places that have seen fall across the board on a peaceful movement fig brutal violence of the police departments, police and financiers. Scientifically left to act in the throes of anger and hatred that is hard not to think, today, duly constructed, carefully accumulated in previous months.
remember Giuliani as one of us. Boy as he was immediately written to the streets Alimonda. A boy, many of which were in place in those days.
do not want to lay claims, and impose ideological reading a page of history that we believe must be remembered, simply, the many voices that have scritta.
Per questo vi invitiamo a ricordare Genova, insieme a noi, con i vostri linguaggi.

Per rinnovare, tutti insieme, la volontà di predisporrenuovi dispositivi pubblici di partecipazione alla lottademocratica, sfuggendo a qualsiasi involuzione che,rifiutando la sfida del consenso e del confronto, cercascorciatoie tristemente note nella storia dei movimenti. Torniamo a pensare Genova, per fare di una serad’estate a Marina di Massa un immenso spazio pubblico ditestimonianza, denuncia, rilancio dell’iniziativapolitica e sociale.
Dalle ore 18.00 a lato del pontile conferenza stampa con Lorenzo Guadagnucci, autore del Libro “Noi della Diaz” ed a seguire maxi-schermo di informazione, testimonianza and complaint.

Accessions initiative include radio contact, the Communist Refoundation, Association for the Left, the PdCI, the Academy of Peace, The City, FIOM, Student Network, a group Board Rainbow Left.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tvcenter Pro Not Working

un esercito di sognatori non si arresta!

the light of what is happening that we can not raise the flag of the hard right to dissent, denouncing the arrest as a preventive than the NO-G8 demonstrations and even as the real provocations to raise tensions between the protesters and activists converged in L'Aquila.

There is a world in which speech and movement from ricorstruire dun, an army of dreamers do not stop!

to-date info il sito : http://www.sherwood.it/

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Cost Of Borrowing Calculator

Buona estate, di allegria e lotta!

Come ogni anni in estate ci prendiamo una pausa..........utilizziamo gli appunti nei commenti per coordinare le convocazioni degli incontri dei gruppi e le varie riunioni alla Comune onde evitare sovrapposizioni.

ciao a tutt*

l'assemblea di gestione.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Casual Party Outfit Ideas


Dopo decine e decine di proiezioni in tutta Italia COME UN UOMO SULLA TERRA finalmente in onda sulla RAI 9 LUGLIO 2009 DOC 3 - RAI 3 ore 23.40
Un occasione di civiltà e informazione per tutta l'Italia.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Lemon Cooler Cookies Nabisco


One year after the major event of 7 June 2008 that allowed the project Rebeldía to stand for another 12 months in Via Battisti, institutions of this city have decided again and even more determined to attack the heart of our experience. On 18 June we will be called to court for the process of eviction from Via Battisti. The intention this time is even more clear: Project Rebelde, as a public space where different businesses and cultures are interwoven, there must be more to this form. For this I turn
an appeal to build a collective defense of the Project Rebelde and of what it is against the powerful of this city, an appeal to all get together again in the 13 square giugno.Il so our appeal is addressed to all those who believe and work every day because another city is really possible ... Our appeal is addressed to all those who are not willing to accept the restriction of democracy and human rights, which in our country and our city is to be realized. Our appeal is addressed to all those who believe in grassroots participation in everyday life to society, against any permanent global war, against the dominance of market, against racism, against precarious work and life, respect for social equity, human rights and environmental protection. Our appeal is addressed to all those who in recent years have worked with the Project Rebelde, have intercepted, participated in meetings and initiatives, without shows and concerts, or simply come to spend an evening. ... (continued on the comments)
trains to get to Pisa:
1-hour flights from Massa 15:16 , fly to Pisa hours 15:51
2-hour flights from Massa 16:16, arriving in Pisa hours 16:51

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

New Free Knitting Patterns


by June 18 in the town of Massa

The initiative aims to promote a culture of solidarity in the aftermath of the approval in Parliament of the security package, version of a modern law of racist.

Followed aperitifs
Promote Circolo De André, CSA La Comune

Monday, May 25, 2009

List Of Softball Quotes


THE TRIP - Travel in the '60s and '70s
Free your mind and your ass will follow

Day with Contact DJ Radio - People's Network: Anthony, Nicholas and Emma (High Fidelity) and Michael Anthony (Atlantis)
classic rock - psychedelic - progressive - funk - rare grooves
22 hours - free admission
* E 'welcome the trouser leg of an elephant! ;-)

Monday, May 18, 2009

Reluctant Masterbation

sabato 23 maggio

myspace.com / liscarecords

electronics evening
open bar 22:30
stop at 02:00

free admission

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Complete Pokemon Guidebook With All 493

venerdì 15 maggio

For a 'conceptual eperienza. ..

free admission

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Find My Decision On Social Security


Province Party

csa The Commune, and center CarraraCreareUnderground Icarus
With the support of the Province of Massa Carrara
CSA La Comune, Via Conca, Borgo del Ponte, Massa
16 hours The only real mass Skate Park area (unless you try you can watch)
18 hours Performance Theatre (unless you do not see)
Buffet 20 hours for all (if you eat does not pay)
music programming 21 hours (if you do not feel you do not know )

We completed the project UPIGITOS for the year 2008-2009, which saw three players community centers in our province at the locations where courses and workshops were held for six months. Were hundreds of young people involved in the three provincial centers and dozens of contributors who have provided expertise and passion: all thanks to the ability of Massa Carrara Province dell'Amministazione to accompany the projects proposed by the three centers without direct them nor are they in the dark . The result was a positive collaboration between three different situations, that until recently the first report but have not been able to build up a common planning and intervention with young people, often going to detect new emerging needs that can not find another answer to the whole province.

* There will be information booths throughout the day on the activities of the three centers
** Contattoradio follow the artistic performances with a live broadcast
*** will be brought on site http://www.giovanialcentro.ms.it/ network that connects the experience of three centers promoted and offers visibility to youth creativity of our territory

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Fingerings On A Flute For A C


Friday, April 24
18 Opening hours of the library Melting Pot
at 21 Theater and integration

From Friday to Sunday
The trip to Robinson Crusoe
If the immigration of foreigners from poorer countries is an unstoppable phenomenon, integration becomes a necessity that can not be underestimated. We strongly believe that the charm of the story, starting with a known history as one of Robinsn Crusoe, could engage children and bring them in-depth manner so slight as to matters concerning immigration and the need for integration between different cultures.

Theatre Rebis offers the circuitry in the secondary school level I and II show From Friday 'to Dominic, the journey of Robinson Crusoe . This time will be the social center for the City ospiatre their show.
www.myspace.com / teatrorebis

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

In The Heights Or Billy Elliot

"io non ti denuncio"

Saturday, April 18 sustain Emergency:
17 hours from the Ducal Palace part in the walk to the campaign "I'll report you."
The campaign serves to raise public awareness on the bill that would allow physicians to waive confidentiality by giving them the opportunity to denounce the views of undocumented foreign nationals, so it would create an absurd situation: the trampling the right to health care, equality of treatment to life.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Nested Radio Buttons Html


at 18:30 aperitif with acoustic Lotus
KOBAYASHI at 21:30 in concert at 22:30
Assassin Tour 2009
Entrance subscription
€ 5
Friday 10 April ricorre il 64° anniversario della Liberazione della nostra città: La Comune vuole festeggiarlo con una grande serata, all'insegna della solidarietà e di una buona pratica politica: l'autogestione.
Il mondo vive un periodo drammatico, non è una novità. L'eccidio di Gaza che inaugura l'anno ce lo ricorderemo per sempre. E poi la crisi: questo leviatano che sembra essersi ridestato dagli abissi all'improvviso e che ci fa stare come su una barchetta in mezzo alla burrasca. Tutti che si affrettano ad analizzarla e definirla, questa crisi, quando in milioni lo dicevamo da dieci anni che non si può crescere all'infinito. L'Italia è in mezzo a questo mare in tempesta e ha perso la sua bussola: con la nostra parte sinistra frantumata contro il muro della democrazia autoritaria.
Eppure lo scenario che abbiamo di fronte ci sarebbe sembrato impossibile fino a ieri l'altro. Tra chi si ostina a pensare che le cose non cambieranno mai e chi invece vuole che le cose non cambino mai, ci sono in mezzo gli altri, forse ci siamo NOI, un noi che è più un augurio e una speranza che un qualcosa. Ma perlomeno proviamo a usarlo.

Vi aspettiamo....

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Resource Trader Alert Reviews


13: Opening Night
20: Controtempo
27: Audiobunker

April 10: Liberation Day Mass (surprise)
17: Controtempo
24: Theatre Rebis (Macerata)

May 15: Fra 'Mazzocchi
22: Controtempo
29: Theatre Man (Livorno)

HERE WE ARE is the name we decided to give the new evening program of the City . We're here! Present! Ready for a new spring campaign.
An event for every Friday, from 13 March until the end of May (the only exceptions will be April 3 and May 1) and always from 18:00 to 1: 00. A target of the evening different from time slot to the cultural program. But with the commitment, which is always the one hand, to offer cultural events to the city to be enjoyed in peace.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Best Way To Suppliment Size On

Saturday, March 14

First Spring party with DJ Contattoradio

There will be a stand CGIL to collect the signatures of workers, the unemployed, precarious workers, students and migrants who wish to express their disagreement with the agreement signed between government, unions and other coinfindustria. An agreement that undermines the very foundations of the national contract bargaining always bringing us back to a more personalized and less collective of workers and patrons.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Looking For Someone To Raf Me Wow

All in Rome February 13 at the Music City

The center was the city council meeting last Saturday attended by trade union representatives he had been held at the Eaton plant in Massa.

Invited by the companions of the Fiom, we responded to the union and employees, an additional effort compared to the event of 13febbraio in Rome.


FOR PARTICIPATION from Massa-Carrara:

0585-848311 348-6541582 346-0623309

Additional time for membership e prenotazione posti per Manifestazione a Roma:
mercoledì 11 Febbario ore 17.00 c/o La Comune iniziativa unitaria per il trentennale dall'assassinio di Guido Rossa

Friday, January 30, 2009

Cute Short Hair And Lice

New laboratory

AUDIO BUNKER è appena nato: si svolgerà, in date e orari ancora da definire, all'interno di un piccolo ma attrezzato spazio del centro sociale, recuperato attraverso lavori di insonorizzazione e isolamento dall'umidità completatamente auto-spesati.

Ora c'è bisogno di te: clicca sull'immagine per saperne di più.