Carrara Creare chiude
Here is the statement from the CCU (click to read all the comments at the bottom of the article). In addition to expressing our deepest sympathy, we want to renew to all those who believed in that experience, our willingness to work together.
de 26/01/10 Dear dear dear associated users, you will wonder what we did for two months now. We have been waiting for someone to let us know something about the future of the Centre, being the expiry term of custody. Today we learned:
CarraraCreare closes
or rather close to as you have known up to now and how we think and creato.Tutti in our efforts to prevent the disintegration of experience started in 2007, and in 2008 was managed to bring the opening of the Centre, have been unsuccessful.
Despite the "reassuring" words of our beloved Mayor on the importance and the desire to give continuity to the positive experiences expressed in dozens of public and private meetings began in May 2009, despite our efforts, our proposals, we have come to closure.
is not taken into account the investment made by us (human and material) to start the work place and make it a reality on the ground, the many initiatives put in place for young people, and not only in our city , woven network of contacts, projects completed and those still active (ASL - Massa Carrara Province - Tuscany Region) as part of youth policies and socilali, initiatives in favor of people with disabilities or in judicial custody, in which the municipality has given its partnership and wanted to put his signature.
None of this was taken into consideration and continuity to our request, free of any financial commitment the City has been answered with the enactment of a "Contract for the award of a service" with the criterion of maximum downward; as if running a center like ours (because, for us and our center) was equivalent to providing the canteen service at a school rather than housekeeping, and not as a strategic action plan for the long term.
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