Federico e sono una coppia tedesca Margherita, Giuditta, Morena e sono tre amiche Pamela Australian e Dale è americana, di San Diego.
Ecco cosa dice Dale della sua esperienza al FARO
"It was a wonderful experience for me, and I would certainly recommend your school to anyone... I hope you had a wonderful vacation and a Happy New Year, and that 2011 is a wonderful and successful year for your excellent school. I am working on a slide show of the pictures of my visit. My camera and computer are new and it is a slow process, but as soon as I can finish it I will send it to you. Thank you for a wonderful time in Caorle, you are the best! I will always have wonderful memories, and I hope to return soon
All my best wishes to you.
... we too have wonderful memories of this fantastic group of students!
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